Angela Karas

Account Director

As Account Director, Angela nurtures purposeful relationships with our partners and advocates for their success. Project management, campaign concepting and execution, task delegation, clever copywriting, intentional listening, and plotting the occasional pun are all requirements of her repertoire. Additionally, she helps orchestrate the training, education, and support for our internal strategy and production teams that keep us on time and on budget. Angela loves her family and experiencing the music & cuisine scene around St. Louis. 

cliffedge marketing retail and brand activation

Retail & Brand Activation

Leverage our 20+ years of experience at retail to facilitate events, promos, sampling, and more to make shoppers and retailers happy.

cliffedge marketing Digital Engagement

Digital Engagement

Create memorable experiences online with interactive media, custom websites, and more.

cliffedge retail and paid marketing

Retail & Paid Media

Whether it’s retail media, influencer programs, or new digital opportunities, we help you connect to your customer and optimize your ad dollars with our proven media practices.

cliffedge marketing content and creative

Content & Creative

Bring your campaigns to life with creative that packs a personality. Our team is ready to develop or repackage brand assets to make you stand out at retail.

Cliffedge Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

Get data-driven direction for your new product launch, retail media strategy, go-to-market plan, or special promotion. We’ll bring you best-fit opportunities to help reach your brand goals.