
Data Analysis

The Impact of AI on Retail for CPG Brands

AI is here to stay, and brands must adapt or die. If you want proof, look no further than Mondelez International, which is rolling out a “Transformation Office.” Among other things, this group will prioritize the implementation of artificial intelligence across their US business.  And if companies like Mondelez are making AI a priority, it’s...
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How Performance Marketing Leads to Data-Driven Sales For Your CPG Brand

The retail industry has changed tremendously over the past decade, with 2021 being a tipping point. Case in point: Amazon officially became the world’s top retailer, edging out Walmart. Online retail is today’s true driver of growth, with sales on retail media platforms leading the way.  As ad inventory on retailer-owned platforms skyrockets, search engines...
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Unlock the Secrets of Consumer Behavior with User Journey Maps

Do you know the “why” behind your shoppers’ behavior?  If you want your brand to stand out in the minds of consumers, the key is to master the art of user journey mapping. At Cliffedge Marketing, we understand the pivotal role of user journey maps in the CPG industry. These maps are not just cookie-cutter...
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Everything You Need to Know About Customer Data: Types, Collection and Analysis Strategies

There’s a really good chance you have a treasure trove of insights to propel your sales, and it’s right in front of you! So, the question is this: Are you on top of your customer data collection and regularly looking at these trends?  If not, you could be missing exceptional data points that explain how...
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Why The Scientific Method is Key to Shopper Marketing Success

The scientific method is an objective, problem-solving approach that involves establishing facts and drawing informed conclusions through careful testing and analysis. The process requires you to observe, conduct research and form a hypothesis about a problem, which you’re probably already doing in your retail marketing campaigns. While making observations and tailoring a campaign to help...
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Key Metrics Retail Marketers Should Measure and Why

The modern path to purchase is not always linear, and many shoppers bounce between online and in-person marketing touchpoints along the way. This omnichannel shopping environment can make tracking sales attribution tricky, but using the right marketing metrics can help you untangle and understand a retail marketing campaign’s performance easier. Shopper marketing reaches customers at...
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Comparing Remarketing vs. Retargeting for Your Retail Brand

When considering the digital marketing strategies available to your retail brand, it’s important to keep in mind that one of the best bets is to re-engage people who have already shown interest in your brand. To accomplish this, we often recommend remarketing and/or retargeting tactics. These two digital marketing tactics may have some similarities, as...
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The Key Content Marketing Performance Metrics for CPG Brands

When it comes to shopper marketing for CPG brands, understanding your content performance metrics is almost as important as the content itself. Without performance metrics, you’ll have no idea whether or not the content you’re creating or the digital marketing strategy you’re following is actually making an impact on your bottom line. Measuring and monitoring...
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How to Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy for CPG Brands

If storytelling is the best way to connect with someone, content marketing is the tactic brands use to make their business more relatable and useful so they can connect with their consumers in an authentic way. Essentially, making your content marketing strategy count is less about your brand, product and services and more about your...
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3 Tips on How to Make Your Content Count

Successful brands know the trick to getting their product noticed: make your content count. The bottom line is that content bulks up your brand presence in the digital and social realms. Although that’s basically a given, it’s incredibly important because you’re meeting your consumers where they spend a majority of their time. You have exclusive...
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