
Paid Media

The Pros and Cons of Retail Media Networks

As consumers continue to shift their buying habits towards online channels, retailers are looking for more efficient and effective ways to reach customers. Retail media networks provide a unique way to advertise to customers directly at the point of sale, and they are becoming increasingly popular amongst brands. There are a few different options available...
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Retail Media 101: From Concept to Execution

Retail success is often measured by the connection shoppers have with brands. Retail media can play a significant role when it comes to building and executing a successful shopper marketing campaign.  While many examples of retail media strategies are linked to high-performing brands, let’s examine a more introductory approach to this form of digital marketing...
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An Introduction to a High-Performing Retail Media Strategy

Have you noticed a shift in the marketing strategy of the most popular and influential retail brands? If not, now is the time to start paying attention to the retail media strategy (and the shopper engagement it receives) of those around you, especially your competitors. Heavy hitters like Amazon and Walmart are putting their considerable...
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Retail Online Advertising Connects Digital & In-Store Shopping

As ecommerce shopping trends continue to rise, trade marketers and retailers are tasked with delivering a positive growth to the bottom line or risk falling behind the competition. Even before the pandemic, brick-and-mortar stores were starting to lose favor as a shopping option for customers. In 2020, Amazon’s shares have increased by 50%, mostly due...
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Setting Up Your Brand’s Retail Media Network

Marketing is an essential part of every retail business. As we continue to adapt to the new normal, the best thing you can do for your brand is to use the retail strategies and tactics that are tailored for online advertising. Your brand’s retail media network is exactly the kind of marketing asset that can...
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How to Get Your Product Off the Shelf

Cost-Effective Strategies Designed to Move More Product at Retail Good news! Your product is finally in the store, on the shelves, and looking good. You’ve overcome some major hurdles to ensure it makes an impact. Unfortunately, your product can’t do all the talking for you, even if it is amazing (we believe you). You still...
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Sell More CPG Products on Amazon

How to Sell More CPG Products on Amazon

Selling consumer packaged goods on Amazon is a smart path to grow your brand based on the state of retail today. But are you doing it effectively? This guide shares useful tips and tricks to ensure you’re set up for success to sell more of your CPG brand products on Amazon and get the most...
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The 3 Keys to Marketing a Food and Beverage Brand

The first step to building your Food and Beverage marketing strategy and selling more products via retail is to focus on your digital marketing strengths and weaknesses. By utilizing cost-efficient ways to connect with consumers, you’ll achieve the engagement and ROI necessary to grow your brand.  And while there’s no “one-size-fits-all” solution, our experience as...
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2021 Retail Marketing Budget Planning

It’s Time to Invest in Digital! It’s that season again – where leaves are falling and budgets are calling.  Yes, as you prepare your retail marketing budget for the upcoming year and plan for a successful 2021 shopper marketing strategy, it’s essential to invest in digital. Digital marketing has proven the best way to improve...
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