
Ryan Cliffe

Cause Marketing Trends for Retail Brands in 2021

It goes without saying that retail (like everyone else) has experienced drastic change over the last year. We had to find unique ways to do business – to engage shoppers – to find purpose. Innovation was critical to success for most organizations as they found creative ways to disrupt their normal and create a new...
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Retail Online Advertising Connects Digital & In-Store Shopping

As ecommerce shopping trends continue to rise, trade marketers and retailers are tasked with delivering a positive growth to the bottom line or risk falling behind the competition. Even before the pandemic, brick-and-mortar stores were starting to lose favor as a shopping option for customers. In 2020, Amazon’s shares have increased by 50%, mostly due...
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Scale Your Retail Brand with Consumer Promotions

At its heart, scaling your retail brand means growing your customer base.  We’ve covered this before in our shopping marketing strategy guide, but the issue that most brands face is that the traditional framework being used for retail has little impact on actually helping you establish relevance with your customers. Short-term sales might be boosted...
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The Personalized, Omnichannel Retail Approach to Shopper Marketing

Many CPG brands adopt shopper marketing strategies that focus on the in-store marketing side of the consumer journey. However, brands can be doing a lot more to influence the behavior of shoppers beyond displays, promotions and packaging. To be clear, shopper marketing is not exactly the same as consumer marketing, even though there are overlaps....
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Improve Sales Velocity and Move More Products Off the Shelf

Looking to move more of your products from shelves into carts? Once you acquire a distribution agreement for a food and beverage product, the hard part is now getting your product off the shelves.  It’s crucial for CPG brands to improve sales velocity as its foundational to long-term success. Category Managers want products that are...
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Pass the 'Who Cares?' Test with Consumers

The “Who Cares” Test

In the competitive world of CPG retail, answering one question can help you stand apart: Does it pass the “Who Cares”  Test? With an almost endless array of options available at their fingertips, why should consumers consider your brand over another? If your initial reaction is to quote the features of your product (i.e., all...
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Retail Marketing 101: An Interview with a Category Manager

While you’re hard at work trying to check people off of your holiday gift list, retailers are hard at work trying to engage you in-store. How do they do it? We recently interviewed a category manager with over 40 years of experience in retail merchandising and promotions for some industry insights. How to Motivate Consumer...
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The 3 Keys to Marketing a Food and Beverage Brand

The first step to building your Food and Beverage marketing strategy and selling more products via retail is to focus on your digital marketing strengths and weaknesses. By utilizing cost-efficient ways to connect with consumers, you’ll achieve the engagement and ROI necessary to grow your brand.  And while there’s no “one-size-fits-all” solution, our experience as...
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3 Keys to an Effective Consumer Promotion

When Cliffedge first started in 2001, driving incremental sales through a consumer promotion was pretty straightforward. All you needed was a shelf-talker, an entry pad, a giveaway, a radio buy, and voilà, incremental sales! Fast-forward to today; however, and things have changed. A lot. The number of touchpoints and purchase options available to consumers has...
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