
Shopper Marketing

The State of Retail

The state of retail is a complex situation. Here’s how your brand can experience real results in a challenging retail environment. The media is calling it the retail apocalypse.  Big time retailers J.C Penny, Macy’s, CVS, Payless and others have all taken a hit, filed for bankruptcy, or closed down a sizeable number of their...
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How to Create a Buyer Persona to Benefit Your Business

Create a buyer persona to reflect your true consumer – it is essential to your marketing efforts. Buyer personas are similar to an outline or blueprint of your consumer; yet, rather than simply identifying them via demographics, they take a deeper dive into understanding these individuals through their behaviors, interests and motivations. Oftentimes, there’s an...
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Reveal Your Brand’s Potential through Product Sampling

From user-generated product reviews to branded viral videos, consumers are inundated with product information on a daily basis. More often than not, consumers readily rely on these resources to act as their best judgment before making a purchase. A quick online search for any product yields infinite results and consumers are suspended in the realm...
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