How to Create a Brand Story that Connects with Your Audience

Everyone loves storytime. Stories excite us, enrage us, enthrall us, encourage us – the list goes on. Through stories, humans learn to empathize with others and develop shared experiences. 

Interestingly, this desire to connect with stories can prove to be a considerable advantage with your creative marketing efforts as well. In fact, digital marketing experts never stop working to tap into their audience’s passions and loyalties through their brand story. 

So, how might a compelling brand story add to your brand experience?

Why Brand Stories Matter in Retail

Retail brands have a lot of work to do to attract new shoppers and subscribers, but with so many strategies and theories, it can be hard to figure out which route a brand’s content marketing should take. Nevertheless, throughout a myriad of channels and strategies, a tried and true way to access the hearts and minds of your target audience is with a compelling brand story.

The brand story is a company’s narrative and plays a significant part in establishing a brand identity. These stories can take on many forms and directions, but what always remains important is that the narrative conveys the values and ideals of the brand. By shedding light on the brand purpose, it becomes the unifier of the entire brand experience, whatever form it may take.

With the importance of brand stories established, now shopper marketing brands must find ways to convey them across their creative marketing strategies. The results can be powerful, especially as Headstream research shows that people who love a brand’s story are 55% more likely to buy the product or service!

Building a Brand Story Takes Creative Planning and Execution

There are three significant factors to consider when determining your brand story’s strength so keep these principles in mind when developing and executing a digital marketing strategy.

1. Connect with the Audience

Humans thrive on social connection, and empathy can drive action. A compelling brand story should foster a relationship between a brand and an audience and reveal shared purpose. If your brand experience does not convey something that inspires or drives interest, then you have not crafted a compelling brand story.

The key to creating a connection is showing that the brand is not a faceless entity. Spotlighting human interest stories within the brand is very useful. When your brand values fall in line with your customers’ values, an association or bond is formed that can lead to passion and brand loyalty.

2. Stay Authentic Every Time

A brand story that is meant to drive an emotional connection is a good strategy, but it breaks down if it is inauthentic. These days, brands are held accountable to their views and values – so, when you take a stance, people are watching and they will know when you step outside of the personality you’ve been presenting.

The goal is simple then: Just remain true to your values and don’t oversell them or overreach. Content marketing that reads like a marketing ad instead of a purpose-driven mission statement is sure to raise a red flag and turn audiences off.

3. Keep the Focus Simple

Patience can be limited in most audiences, even with the best intention. Work with your digital marketing team to fine-tune your brand story and keep it concise and on target. Keeping the main points to a few sentences may be difficult at first, but once your story is distilled to its essence, it will be that much easier for your audience to digest. 

Also, remember that the brand story is a means to an end: if the brand story does not move the reader toward the product or service, it means the story has missed the mark.

The 4 Categories of a Powerful Brand Story

When it comes time to create your brand story, consider four critical aspects. Your creative marketing team should hit on all four to be successful. Below, we highlight the questions you should be considering during each step.


How clear is your message? Can your values be communicated in a couple of sentences? Are the values of your brand expressed in your founding, services or charitable efforts?


How well do you know your audience? A successful brand knows it can’t bring in everyone. Do the values you express in your brand experience mesh with your ideal shopper? Is your brand story written with these things in mind?


Has your narrative been finalized? Have you worked with all departments in your company to ensure your brand story reflects not only the culture of your company but also the values present in your goods and services? Are there any contradictory or underdeveloped elements of your brand story that need to be finalized?


Do you have the right digital marketing team to help you tell that story? Does your content marketing team have the experience to convey your brand story and improve upon it with additional collateral?

Ready to bring your brand story to life?

Crafting a strong brand story can be difficult and sometimes even frustrating. One way to tell a brand story that is sure to captivate your audience is to work with a talented digital marketing team who works branding initiatives like this all the time. They can handle the challenging task of conveying your message to your audience as well as determine the best ways to bring that messaging to market.

Contact Cliffedge Marketing today to add our creative marketing team to yours. We look forward to connecting your audience to your brand story.
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