
digital experience

How to Effectively Add AR Into Your Retail Marketing Campaign

What do popular brand applications like FlightRadar24, Snapchat and Pokemon Go! have in common? They introduced the world to a targeted, clever use of Augmented Reality and proved it’s an effective way to engage their core audience. So, now that augmented reality has been introduced to the masses, how are you embracing this technology to...
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A Brief Introduction to SEO

SEO tips and tricks implemented effectively on your website work to improve organic search engine rankings, helping you generate more qualified leads. What is SEO? Whether or not you’re confident in your response to this question, there is no better time than now to revisit the answer. Tactics to tackle SEO change constantly, so let’s...
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How to Grow Your Social Media Audience

“How do I get more social media followers?” Fan acquisition can become a tricky game. How do you get more people to listen to your message on your preferred social network? What types of content build brand loyalty and encourage engagement? How can you tell if fan engagement is authentic? Quality over quantity is key....
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4 Ways to Drive Online Sales this Holiday Season

Drive online sales this holiday season. Inspire consumer action and deliver results with an aggressive digital sales strategy. Small-to-midsize food and beverage brands experience an amplified amount of competition surrounding the holiday season. Consumers, inundated with seemingly never-ending Black Friday shopping deals, turn to the most appealing prices and appetizing promotions. Positioning your brand at...
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‘Likes’ Don’t Pay the Bills

High levels of fan engagement on social media are great, but your brand can do even better. Back in January 2018, Amy and Mike Mills of 17th Street Barbecue graciously invited us to host a session and brief Q&A panel at their annual Whole Hog Extravaganza. So our crew headed across the river and down...
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3 Best Practices for Your Social Media Strategy

Many brands are currently fighting over that coveted top-dog slot as specialists with a savvy social media strategy. They want to post the type of content that will amplify their brand’s presence and make them a game-changer in the long run. Yet, with all the noise being made in the realm of social media and...
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