

Build Engaging Brand Experiences for the Gen Z Shopper

As the Gen Z demographic continues to grow in numbers and significance, brands must find new, innovative ways to connect with this powerful consumer group. This audience has established their uniqueness by being highly value-oriented, holding brands accountable and often seeking specific, new solutions to solve evolving wants and needs. Generation Z, those born after...
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How to Run a Successful Social Media Ad Campaign for CPG Brands

The power of social media is undeniable.  The sheer number of active users on these platforms is reason enough to start social media marketing for your grocery or CPG brand. Facebook alone boasts over two billion active users, while Instagram has over one billion each month. Most recently, Tiktok has exploded the growth of short-form...
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Ensure Your Retail Success with a Comprehensive POP Display and Visual Merchandising Strategy

One of the biggest challenges for any CPG brand is capturing the attention of a consumer in the overstimulating aisles of Target, Walmart, Kroger or other retail stores. But, before you even get your product onto shelves, it’s critical to have a retail merchandising plan that will captivate your potential buyers.  Most shopper marketing programs...
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The Four Cornerstones of an Effective Shopper Marketing Strategy

Crafting a compelling shopper marketing strategy is crucial for any brand aiming for longevity and genuine customer engagement. A well-executed strategy doesn’t merely talk at consumers; it resonates with them, speaks their language and meets their needs. While that may seem like a big ask of any campaign, our experience over the last two decades...
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Stand Out In Retail With Strong Brand Positioning

CPG brands often grapple with a crucial question when it comes to retail: “In a sea of similar products, how can consumers be convinced to choose yours?”  The answer lies in effective brand positioning, which serves as the bedrock of a brand’s go-to-market strategy. To help you market your brand effectively, Cliffedge Marketing will reveal...
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Improve Consumer Engagement with the KISS Method (Keep It Stupid Simple)

CPG business owners are constantly sold the next best strategy to capture consumer attention. With changing algorithms and the evolving nature of retail, it can be tempting to fall into the trap of shiny-object-syndrome. However, oftentimes when it comes to consumer engagement, the fundamentals of shopper marketing make the biggest impact. With 22 years of...
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Maximizing ROI for Grocery Brands: The Essential Guide to Retail Media.

What makes a shopper marketing campaign effective? With ROI as a north star, we consider campaigns successful when they stand out in a competitive landscape and provide brand visibility, drive engagement or purchases and increase customer loyalty.  So, how do we get from a blank sheet of paper to implementing the appropriate retail media tactics...
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What is retail media? Benefits, challenges, and best practices.

Standing out and capturing the attention of consumers is more challenging than ever for brands competing in today’s advertising landscape, yet one area still presents a significant, growing opportunity for CPG brands to win hearts and minds: retail media.  Why do grocery brands need a retail media strategy? Simply put – to grow! Think of...
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What Results Can You Expect from Shopper Marketing?

Welcome to the world of shopper marketing, where retail magic happens and consumer decisions transform into tangible results. So, how do you turn your marketing strategies into buyer-focused, brand-building results?  Shopper marketing focuses on (you guessed it) the shopper, taking a close look at their interests and behaviors, then following them along their entire path...
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The Cost and Considerations of a Multichannel Shopper Marketing Campaign

One thing is certain: Your multichannel shopper marketing campaign is an investment worth making. But how do you budget for a shopper marketing campaign or consumer promotion? Today, about 73% of customers use multiple channels during their shopping journey, according to the Harvard Business Review. For grocery brands and retail marketers, reaching these consumers effectively...
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