

How Brands Use Digital Technology to Transform Shopper Engagement

How shoppers interact with brands has changed dramatically in recent years, thanks to the advent and rapid growth of digital, interactive technology. What that means for your shopper marketing strategy: It’s no longer innovative – it’s table stakes.  Consumers now expect a more engaging and interactive buying experience, which retailers are working hard to deliver....
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How Retailers Engage Consumers with a Shopper Marketing Plan

It’s no secret that the retail landscape is changing. With the rise of eCommerce, traditional brick-and-mortar stores are struggling to stay afloat. However, those retailers who can adapt and embrace digital or omnichannel shopper marketing plans are finding success.  So, what is shopper marketing, and how can a shopper marketing plan create an intuitive, fun...
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Examining the 2022 Retail Forecast and Its Impact on 2023 Strategies

What will the retail landscape look like in 2023? This is a question that many business owners are asking as we pass the halfway mark of 2022 and cruise toward the new year. While the answer is not easy to determine as economies and politics play a growing role, there are a few key retail...
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Retailers Shift Strategies to Match Shopper Marketing Trends

As consumers gravitate toward a more mobile, digital brand experience, retail marketing strategies are adjusting on the fly to match the latest shopper marketing trends.  After working with top brands pre and post-pandemic to engage shoppers and market share, we’re excited to show how brands can utilize some of the latest shopper marketing trends and...
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4 Strategies to Take the Consumer Retail Experience to the Next Level

Increasing in-store footfall and improving digital traffic can sometimes seem like contradictory tasks. Is your brand or business an online experience, or are you a brick-and-mortar retail space? Can you have it both ways? For many brand managers, trade marketers and small business owners, it’s possible to do this successfully – with the right shopper...
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Cutting Edge Phygital Strategies for Retail Brands

Today’s retail landscape has changed drastically over the last 5 years. Even more recently, the last two years have seen consumer adoption of digital channels increase tenfold by all age groups which has prompted a shift of corporate outlook on the necessity of technology. As life continues to normalize, shopping attitudes persistently evolve as consumers...
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Understanding the Retail Media Landscape: Meet the Key Players

It’s no secret that the retail landscape is changing. With the growth of digital media and e-commerce, traditional brick-and-mortar stores struggle to keep up. It can be tough to stay updated to the retail marketing changes, yet, it’s essential to understand the key players in the retail media landscape to leverage their strengths and improve...
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The Pros and Cons of Retail Media Networks

As consumers continue to shift their buying habits towards online channels, retailers are looking for more efficient and effective ways to reach customers. Retail media networks provide a unique way to advertise to customers directly at the point of sale, and they are becoming increasingly popular amongst brands. There are a few different options available...
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Retail Media 101: From Concept to Execution

Retail success is often measured by the connection shoppers have with brands. Retail media can play a significant role when it comes to building and executing a successful shopper marketing campaign.  While many examples of retail media strategies are linked to high-performing brands, let’s examine a more introductory approach to this form of digital marketing...
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6 Proven Ways to Improve a Brand Experience

If a brand is a glimpse into who you are as a company, your brand experience is how your customers interact with it. Typically, a brand experience is first encountered as a digital experience or virtual experience designed to highlight your brand in engaging, innovative ways that drives interest towards your product and ultimately creates...
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